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Judy Craven

Judy was born into a Chinese African Caribbean family in Kingston, Jamaica. She attended the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona. Her degree in English Honours included Literature, Linguistics and a special paper on the history and grammar of Jamaican Creole or Patwa. She then taught in various high schools in Jamaica before coming to England. Judy also volunteered in an evening Literacy programme organised by fellow UWI graduates.

After settling in Manchester, she worked for the city council’s Adult Education Service in Moss Side and Hulme. She taught courses in English Language, Return to Study, Parental Education and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). During this time, she completed a Masters degree in Education at Manchester University.

Now retired, Judy enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and volunteers in various educational settings, including the Louise Da-Cocodia Education Trust.

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